About Us
Castle Hill Church is a lively ATOM (All Together Offering Ministry) church that strives to be a ministering community rather than a community gathered around a minister. Under ATOM it has a three-pronged approach to its witness: God Matters, Worship and Outreach.
Its all-age congregation is represented by a variety of organisations that range from services for the very young to fellowship and support for the elderly. It is also a campaigning church and strongly committed to Commitment for Life, Trade Justice and the environment. It has a supportive pastoral care policy in which each person whether member or adherent has a dedicated pastoral Elder.
Located at the centre of the local community its buildings are heavily utilised throughout the week by both church-related and community organisations.
The Mission of Castle Hill Church is:
- to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom to the community
- to provide a Christian worship and prayer centre for the community
- to provide Christian teaching for all ages
- to provide pastoral care for all those who need it
- to bring new believers of all ages to Christ and provide for their nurture
- to respond by service and giving to human need both local and abroad
- by campaigning and other means combat social injustice wherever it occurs
- by example and campaigning strive to protect the environment
- to make available premises for community activities
- to strive to work with other Christians to achieve these aims
- to work with anyone of any faith for the benefit of the community